Review of technologies for WWT by electrochemical oxidation with boron doped diamond electrodes

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Review of technologies for WWT by electrochemical oxidation with boron doped diamond electrodes

In book: Evaluation of electrochemical reactors as a new way to environmental protection, Chapter: 5. A patent review of technologies for wastewater treatment by electrochemical oxidation with boron doped diamond electrodes, Publisher: Research Signpost, Editors: Juan M. Peralta-Hernández, Manuel A. Rodrigo-Rodrigo, Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle, pp.77-94 

This chapter reviews the developments of the boron doped diamond electrodes through patent applications in the most import patent offices of the world. A special focus was given to the treatment of wastewater considering four topics: synthesis of novel materials, industrial applications, disinfection processes and commercial non-industrial applications. A total of 74 patents and patent applications were analyzed, finding that despite of being a novel technology, electrochemical wastewater treatments with boron-doped diamond electrodes present an interesting dynamic of innovation, with a growing interest by researchers and industry on the development of new methods of production, reactors and applications.
A patent review of technologies for... (PDF Download Available) .
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